Sunday, 29 July 2012

I’ll have the garden salad and…. wait, oh, first post….

So, here I am… Blogging…. there, I said it.

A quick (awkward) intro.

I’m Leah, a thirty three year old clumsy, pale and somewhat odd mother/slave of two little humans (you’ll meet them a little later on) and partner to an amazing male human.

Oh, I am also the owner/slave of a superbly funny little fluffy white pooch… You will also meet her later.

I live in a large seaside township in Victoria, Australia. By default I follow Australian Rules Football…. ahem, ‘carn the “insert sporting team of choice here”  and all that…

I am a member of a functionally dysfunctional family which consists of roughly eleven siblings/step siblings/adopted siblings ranging from age twenty seven to age fifty – yowzers!

Having attended eleven primary schools and three high schools (miners daughter) I have perfected the art of awkward introductions/silences, this may or may not have already occurred throughout the previous paragraphs…..

Why have I jumped onto the blog-train you ask?

That’s simple – I have funny kids, a funny dog, a funny partner and funny friends!

Amusing experiences surround me!

In life sadness and anger envelope us, to thrive we need laughter, we need to live in the moment, to remember the fun, love and laughter from our past and in the now…

This blog will also act as a tool for my own “journey” (yep, I said journey). I am a work in progress, I want to remember the good stuff, the funny stuff and it would be grand if you came along for the ride!

As I am new to this (gulp), I will post weekly, maybe more if the mood shall take me!
